My full name is Nicholas Ruiyuan Wu. Most people just call me Nick. Sometimes they call me Nick Wu.
I am a second-year PhD student at the University of Maryland’s Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation (AMSC) program. Before that, I did my bachelor’s at the University of Virginia. There, I was very fortunate to be mentored by Prasanna Balachandran and Anil Vullikanti.
As of now, I am broadly interested in (and trying to learn more about) models of (optimal) decision-making under uncertainty, especially using tools from applied probability and in the case of several or many agents.
Some other things that I enjoy include
- Music (especially jazz and jazz-adjacent things). I played the saxophone in UVA’s Jazz Ensemble. I also used to upload music videos on YouTube.
- Going to coffee shops (here is my own list of cafes that I’ve visited)
- Bike commuting and public transit.
gmail: [first letter of first name][last name]123@umd.edu